African Frog Tank Mates

Are you struggling with choosing the appropriate tank mates for your African frog? Understanding that these amphibians have unique requirements can make a world of difference. This comprehensive guide will help you identify compatible and non-compatible species, ensuring a harmonious aquarium environment.

So, join us as we dive into the fascinating world of African Frog Tank Mates.

What Is the Ideal Environment for African Frogs?

African dwarf frogs need the right home to be happy and healthy. The water should be warm, between 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Too hot or too cold can make them sick. The pH level should also get checked often, it needs to stay around a neutral range of 7.

Their tank must have lots of hiding spots like live plants and decorations. This is so they feel safe and can rest when they want to without being in plain sight all the time. They also do not like strong water flows from filters as they find it hard to swim against.

So, care is needed when picking up a filter for their tank.

The African frog’s habitat should stay clean at all times because dirty water may make them ill very fast. Changes in water are needed every week or two with careful watch on ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels since these small things can harm them a lot if not kept under control.

They love soft gravel for substrate as it will not hurt their delicate skin or tiny fingers while moving about their tank space.

Are African Frogs Good Tank Mates?

African frogs like to share their tanks. They live well with many types of fish and other water animals. This makes them good tank mates in a fish tank.

Nerite Snails, Neon Tetras, Guppies, and Rummy Nose Tetras are all peaceful with African FrogsHarlequin Rasboras and Zebra Danios also do not fight with them. Bamboo Shrimp and Kuhli Loaches both like the same water heat as African Frogs.

But not all animals can be in the same tank as an African frog. The size of the tank matters too. A small space may make some animals scared or mad. So, keep at least 10 gallons of water for your frog’s friends!

What Are the Best Tank Mates for African Frogs?

African frogs do well with many types of fish. Guppies, mollies, and platies make good friends for African frogs. These fish are small enough to fit in a tank with African frogs.

Neon tetras and rummy nose tetras also live well with African frogs. Same goes for harlequin rasboras and bamboo shrimp. They all like the same kind of home as the frog.

Another type of fish that can live with African frogs is the dwarf gouramis. Betta Fish may also be a good match if they are calm in nature.

Snails like nerite snails or mystery snails can share a tank too! The bonus here is that these snails eat algae which helps keep the tank clean!

Catfish, such as corydoras, get along great with African frogs. Both like to hide at times so they won’t bother each other much.

1. Guppies

Guppies are a great choice as tank mates for African Dwarf Frogs. They can handle different tank conditions, making them compatible with the frogs. Fancy Guppies, which have vibrant colors and patterns, can coexist peacefully with African Dwarf Frogs in a community tank.

Not only are they visually appealing, but guppies are also inexpensive and low-maintenance. They have a docile and peaceful nature, getting along well with other friendly tank mates.

Overall, guppies make an excellent addition to any aquarium housing African Dwarf Frogs.

2. Mollies

Mollies are peaceful and friendly fish that can make great companions for African Dwarf Frogs. They have a good temperament and get along well with non-aggressive tank mates. While mollies may not always be compatible with other fish, they tend to do better when kept with African Dwarf Frogs.

However, it’s important to note that their compatibility depends on specific water conditions. So, if you’re considering adding mollies to your tank with African Dwarf Frogs, make sure to maintain the right water quality, temperature, pH levels, and provide adequate hiding places for both species to thrive together.

3. Platies

Platies are great tank mates for African Dwarf frogs because they have a non-aggressive nature. They come in various attractive colors, making them visually appealing additions to any community tank.

Platies can happily coexist with other tank mates such as mollies, swordtails, and guppies. They are known for their vibrant appearance and have different growth rates and maximum heights depending on the individual platy.

Overall, platies make excellent companions for African Dwarf frogs due to their peaceful disposition and aesthetic qualities.

4. Dwarf Gouramis

Dwarf Gouramis are peaceful fish that can live with African Dwarf Frogs in the same aquarium. They are part of the same family as Betta fish and grow to a size of 2.5 to 3.5 inches, which makes them suitable companions for African Dwarf Frogs.

Honey Gouramis, a type of Dwarf Gourami, have a golden-yellow color and can be placed in a planted tank along with African Dwarf Frogs. Overall, these small fish make great tank mates for African Dwarf Frogs in a community setup.

5. Betta Fish

Betta fish can be good tank mates for African dwarf frogs, but it’s important to be cautious. While bettas are generally peaceful, they can sometimes bully other tank mates. However, in most cases, the African dwarf frog is a suitable companion for bettas.

These frogs are peaceful and won’t bother the betta fish. It’s crucial to introduce them slowly and observe their behavior closely to ensure they get along well together.

6. Corydoras

Corydoras are peaceful catfish that can coexist harmoniously with African Dwarf Frogs. They have similar care requirements and can create a visually appealing tank environment together.

Corydoras provide interesting and diverse companionship for the frogs, making their tank more enjoyable to watch.

7. Danios

Danios are great tank mates for African Dwarf Frogs. They can happily coexist in the same aquarium because they have a similar size. Danios need enough space to swim and explore, so it’s best to keep them in tanks of 10 gallons or more.

These small, peaceful fish will not cause any harm to your African Dwarf Frogs. So if you’re looking for compatible tank mates, consider adding some danios to your aquarium!

8. Neon Tetras

Neon Tetras are a great choice as tank mates for African Dwarf Frogs. They have similar water requirements, which makes it easier to maintain the right environment for both species.

Neon Tetras are peaceful and get along well with other fish, including Mollies, Loaches, Corydoras Catfish, Angelfish, Guppies, and Rasboras. They are also beginner-friendly and widely available in pet stores.

With their vibrant colors, Neon Tetras can add a stunning visual display to your aquarium when kept with African Dwarf Frogs.

9. Rummy Nose Tetras

Rummy Nose Tetras are a suitable choice as tank mates for African Dwarf Frogs. These small fish have a peaceful nature, making them compatible with the frogs. It’s important to note that Rummy Nose Tetras can easily become stressed by larger and more aggressive fish, so it’s best to avoid such tank mates.

Additionally, these tetras are known to be easily nervous, so creating a calm and stress-free environment is essentialfor their well-being.

10. Harlequin Rasboras

Harlequin Rasboras are small fish with silver bodies and a unique black triangular patch. They come from Singapore, Malaysia, Sumatra, and southern Thailand. These rasboras prefer to live with their own kind, so having about nine of them as tank mates would be ideal.

If you have African Dwarf Frogs in your tank, it’s recommended to keep Harlequin Rasboras in groups together with the frogs.

11. Cherry Shrimp

Cherry shrimp are large freshwater shrimp that can live peacefully with African dwarf frogs in the same tank. They make excellent tank mates because they won’t bother or harm the frogs.

However, it is important to ensure that the cherry shrimp are not too small or juvenile in size, as the frogs may mistake them for food. Cherry shrimp can add a colorful and lively element to your aquarium while coexisting peacefully with your African dwarf frogs.

12. Bamboo Shrimp

Bamboo shrimps are easy to care for, making them a great choice for beginner fishkeepers. They can grow up to 2-3 inches in size and are an exception to the risk of keeping shrimp with small predators like dwarf frogs.

This means that bamboo shrimps can be suitable tank mates for African dwarf frogs. They are large species of freshwater shrimp that won’t be bothered by the frogs and can peacefully coexist in the same tank.

So if you have African dwarf frogs and want to add some shrimp to your aquarium, bamboo shrimps are definitely worth considering!

13. Nerite Snails

Nerite snails are small and peaceful creatures that make great tank mates for African Dwarf Frogs. They won’t cause any harm to the frogs and have a gentle nature. These snails come in a wide range of vibrant colors and patterns, adding visual interest to your community tank.

Another advantage is that they share similar water requirements with African Dwarf Frogs, making it easier for you to maintain the right conditions for both species. You can easily find Nerite snails for sale, so adding them as tank mates is convenient too.

14. Mystery Snails

Mystery snails can make good tank mates for African dwarf frogs. They are peaceful creatures that can help keep the tank clean by eating uneaten food and algae. However, it is important to make sure that the mystery snails are fully grown before introducing them to the tank.

This ensures that they won’t become a snack for the frogs. Taking care of both African dwarf frogs and mystery snails requires attention to their compatibility and proper care. It’s worth considering having both fish and frogs in your tank as they can coexist peacefully.

15. Endlers

Endlers are a type of fish that can be great tank mates for African dwarf frogs. They are peaceful and non-aggressive, which makes them compatible with the frogs. One important thing to note is that female Endlers tend to be more aggressive than males.

Having both male and female Endlers in the same tank can result in highly active behavior. Overall, pairing African dwarf frogs with Endlers or other community fish can create a thriving and enjoyable aquarium environment.

16. Cardinal Tetras

Cardinal tetras are colorful fish that can make great tank mates for African dwarf frogs. They are larger than neon tetras and have vibrant red stripes that really stand out. Cardinal tetras belong to the same family as other tetra species, and they often get confused with neon tetras due to their similar appearance.

These beautiful fish bring a lively addition to the aquarium and can create an eye-catching display when kept with African frogs.

17. Black Skirt Tetras

Black skirt tetras are peaceful and shy fish that can make good tank mates for African dwarf frogs. They require a minimum tank size of 15 gallons and prefer to be kept with docile fish as their companions.

It’s important to avoid any aggressive fish as they may bully the black skirt tetras.

18. Gouramis

Dwarf Gouramis are a great choice as tank mates for African Dwarf FrogsThey are small, colorful fish that can add beauty to the aquarium. It’s best to keep them in groups, as they thrive in social environments.

Honey Gouramis are another peaceful option that can coexist with African Dwarf Frogsespecially in heavily planted tanks. These serene fish can create a harmonious atmosphere in the tank while providing an interesting visual display for observers.

19. Rasboras

Rasboras, such as Chili Rasboras and Celestial Pearl Danios, are suitable tank mates for African Dwarf Frogs. These small fish do well in groups of five or more and have a peaceful nature.

Chili Rasboras have a darting motion when they swim, which adds movement to your tank. They also have an easy diet, making them compatible with African Dwarf Frogs. So if you’re looking for colorful companions that will get along well with your frogs, consider adding Rasboras to your aquarium!

20. Large Species of Freshwater Shrimp, Such as Cherry Shrimp and Bamboo Shrimp

Cherry shrimp and Bamboo shrimp are larger species of freshwater shrimp that can be great tank mates for African Dwarf frogs. These shrimp are peaceful and can thrive in a variety of water conditions, making them compatible with the needs of African Dwarf frogs.

Cherry shrimp, in particular, are small-sized crustaceans that can coexist peacefully with the frogs. It is important to note that the tank for cherry shrimp should be heavily planted to provide hiding places and sustenance for them.

Amano shrimp and adult cherry shrimp also make suitable larger species of freshwater shrimp to keep with African Dwarf frogs.

What Fish Should Not Be Kept With African Frogs?

African frogs should not be kept with certain fish species. For example, African Clawed Frogs are not suitable tank mates for African Dwarf frogs. They can potentially harm or even eat the smaller African Dwarf frogs.

Shrimp and albino African Clawed frogs should also be avoided as tank mates for the same reason. It is important to choose compatible fish that are peaceful and won’t pose a threat to the well-being of the African frogs in the aquarium.

1. Goldfish

Goldfish are generally not good tank mates for African dwarf frogs. This is because goldfish can and will eat the frogs once they grow bigger. It’s important to keep in mind that African clawed frogs may also not be suitable tank mates for goldfish.

So, if you have an African dwarf frog and a goldfish, it’s best to keep them in separate tanks to ensure their safety.

2. African Clawed Frogs

African clawed frogs are a popular choice for aquarium enthusiasts due to their ease of care and breeding. These frogs are native to various parts of Africa and have been widely used in scientific research.

Unlike other frog species, African clawed frogs have a plain appearance, making them easy to maintain and breed. It’s important to note that African clawed frogs should not be kept as tank mates with other fish, as they can become aggressive and may even eat smaller fish.

3. Cichlids

Cichlids are a popular choice for aquariums, but not all species make good tank mates for African frogs. It’s important to choose the right cichlid species that can live peacefully with your African frogs.

Some suitable tank mates for African cichlids include red tail sharksgiant daniosplecos, and leopard bushfish. African red-eyed tetras and Siamese algae eaters are also compatible with African cichlids.

Keep in mind that the specific requirements for tank mates may vary depending on the individual species and their compatibility with African cichlids.

4. Angelfish

Angelfish and African dwarf frogs do not make good tank mates. They have compatibility issues due to their different temperaments and behaviors. Angelfish are known to be territorial and can become aggressive towards smaller tank mates like the African dwarf frogs.

It is best to keep angelfish and African dwarf frogs separately in the aquarium for the well-being of both species.

5. Oscars

Oscars are not recommended as tank mates for African dwarf frogs. Oscars are large and aggressive fish that can easily harm or eat smaller frog species. African dwarf frogs are small in size and peaceful, so they may become stressed or injured if housed with Oscars.

It’s important to choose compatible tank mates for the well-being of both the frogs and other fish in the aquarium environment.

6. Barbs

Barbs can be potential tank mates for African Dwarf Frogs. These fish are known for their vibrant colors and active behavior, making them a visually appealing addition to the aquarium.

However, it’s important to note that there is no specific data available on the compatibility of other barb species with African Dwarf Frogs. It’s always recommended to monitor their behavior closely when introducing them into the same tank.

Furthermore, African Clawed Frogs should not be kept with barbs as they may pose a threat to each other due to different temperaments and size differences. Barbs are generally hardy fish that can tolerate different water conditions, including tanks with hard and alkaline water parameters.

7. Bettas

Bettas can sometimes be good tank mates for African Dwarf Frogs, but it’s important to keep a close eye on their behavior. Sometimes, bettas can become aggressive towards the frogs if they feel threatened or if there isn’t enough space in the tank.

It’s crucial to provide hiding spots and plenty of vegetation in the aquarium to help reduce any potential conflicts. African Dwarf Frogs and bettas have similar water requirements, including temperature and pH levels.

However, it is important to note that they have different dietary needs, so it’s essential to meet both species’ specific nutritional requirements for their overall health and well-being.

8. Gouramis

Gouramis, like Dwarf Gouramis and Honey Gouramis, are a good choice as tank mates for African Frogs. Dwarf Gouramis, which belong to the same family as Betta fish, only grow to be around 2.5 to 3.5 inches in size.

Honey Gouramis are best kept in tanks with lots of plants. Both types of gouramis have peaceful personalities and can happily coexist with African Dwarf Frogs. They are also non-aggressive and playful, adding a lively presence to the aquarium without causing any harm to the frogs or other tank mates.

Please proceed with “-9. Rainbowfish”.

9. Rainbowfish

Rainbowfish are brightly colored fish that have blue bodies and orange or red fins. They are known for their vibrant colors and peaceful behavior, which makes them popular among aquarium enthusiasts.

Rainbowfish are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and small organisms. They prefer to be kept in groups as they are schooling fish.

10. Swordtails

Swordtails are a great choice as tank mates for African Dwarf Frogs. They can live peacefully together without any issues. In fact, swordtails can even be kept with other frog tank mates such as mollies and guppies.

These fish are closely related to platies, and they can even cross-breed with them! Swordtails have a similar size to African Dwarf Frogs, so they won’t pose a threat to them. With their vibrant colors and peaceful nature, swordtails make a wonderful addition to your aquarium alongside your frogs.

How to Introduce New Fish to a African Frogs Tank?

Looking for the perfect tank mates for your African frogs? We’ve got you covered! Did you know that certain fish can live harmoniously with African frogs? In this article, we’ll explore the best tank mate options and provide helpful tips on how to introduce them. Get ready to create a thriving aquatic community!

Feeding African Frogs: Dietary Requirements and Impact on Tank Mates

African Dwarf Frogs have specific dietary requirements that need to be met for their health and well-being. They are carnivorous and mainly eat small invertebrates like brine shrimp, bloodworms, and daphnia.

They can also eat commercial frog pellets or frozen foods designed for aquatic amphibians. It’s important to provide a varied diet to ensure they get all the necessary nutrients.

When it comes to tank mates, the impact of feeding African Frogs depends on the type of fish or other creatures they coexist with. Ideally, tank mates should not compete for food with the frogs as they may struggle to find enough to eat.

Additionally, aggressive or larger species may harm or even eat the frogs. Peaceful and non-predatory fish such as neon tetras, guppies, danios, and dwarf gouramis make good companions for African Dwarf Frogs because they have similar water temperature requirements and won’t cause issues during feeding time.

Overall, it is crucial to meet the dietary needs of African Dwarf Frogs while considering their compatibility with tank mates in order to maintain a healthy environment for them in an aquarium setting.

African Frogs Behavior With Different Tank Mates: What to Expect?

African dwarf frogs are generally calm and peaceful creatures, but their behavior can vary depending on their tank mates. When paired with compatible tank mates, such as small, peaceful fish like guppies or tetras, African dwarf frogs can coexist peacefully.

They may swim around together and even interact with each other occasionally.

However, it’s important to note that African dwarf frogs should not be kept with aggressive or territorial fish. These types of tank mates may bully the frogs or stress them out, which can negatively impact their health and well-being.

Additionally, African dwarf frogs may show aggression towards smaller invertebrates like shrimp or snails. While some individuals may not bother these tank mates, it’s always best to monitor their interactions closely to ensure the safety of all the inhabitants in the aquarium.

Overall, when choosing tank mates for African dwarf frogs, it’s essential to select species that are similar in size and temperament. By doing so, you can create a harmonious aquatic community where all the inhabitants thrive together.


In conclusion, when choosing tank mates for African Dwarf frogs, it’s important to consider their specific needs and compatibility. There are several fish species that make great companions, such as guppies, mollies, platies, and dwarf gouramis.

It’s also important to avoid certain fish like goldfish and cichlids that may not coexist well with the frogs. By selecting the right tank mates and providing a suitable environment, you can create a harmonious community in your aquarium.


Can African Frogs Live Alone?

African Dwarf Frogs should not be kept alone in a tank. They are social creatures and thrive best when they have companionship. It is considered unethical and cruel to keep them by themselves.

African Dwarf Frogs prefer living in groups, so it’s recommended to keep at least two or more frogs together in the same tank. Having companions not only provides mental stimulation but also encourages natural behaviors and reduces stress for the frogs.

Additionally, keeping African Dwarf Frogs with other small fish or shrimp as tank mates can create a more dynamic and interesting aquarium environment. Just ensure that the tank is properly set up with hiding places, live plants, and suitable water conditions to accommodate all the inhabitants.

How Many African Frogs Can You Keep Together?

African dwarf frogs are social creatures and should not be kept alone. Ideally, they should be kept in groups of three to five. This allows them to interact with each other and promotes their well-being.

When keeping African dwarf frogs together, it is important to provide enough space for each frog to swim and hide comfortably. Remember, these frogs are small in size, usually measuring no more than 3 inches long.

Keeping multiple African dwarf frogs together also helps simulate their natural behavior and provides a more interesting aquarium environment. Watching them interact and play with each other can be quite entertaining! Just make sure the tank is properly maintained with clean water, suitable hiding spots, and appropriate tank mates that won’t cause any harm or stress to the frogs.

In summary, for the best social interaction and happiness of African dwarf frogs, it is recommended to keep them in groups of three to five individuals.

What to Do if Your African Frogs Is Aggressive?

If your African frog is showing signs of aggression, it’s important to take action. First, observe the behavior and make sure it’s not just temporary or territorial. If the aggression continues, consider separating the aggressive frog from its tank mates.

You can create a separate enclosure within the aquarium using dividers or provide a separate tank altogether.

While most African frogs are generally peaceful, there may be instances where they become aggressive towards other tank mates. By monitoring their behavior closely and taking appropriate measures, you can ensure a harmonious environment for both your African frog and its tank mates.

Can African Frogs Live With Shrimp?

African frogs can potentially live with certain species of shrimp. For example, Cherry shrimp and Bamboo shrimp can be kept as tank mates with African dwarf frogs. However, it’s important to note that there is still a risk of predation, especially for baby shrimp.

Adult shrimp may be able to coexist with the frogs, but if you want to keep them together, it’s best to choose larger or more robust species of shrimp like the Bamboo or Amano shrimp.

These types are less likely to be eaten by the frogs compared to smaller varieties. So while some species of shrimp can live with African frogs, it’s crucial to consider their size and any potential risks involved in keeping them together in the same tank.

Can I keep an African frog in a nano tank or vivarium? 

Yes, you can house an African frog in a well prepared nano tank, biotope, vivarium or paludarium as long as it mimics its natural ecosystem.

How do I maintain the water for my frog and its tank mates?

You should learn about the nitrogen cycle to keep clean water. Regular water changes and good filter maintenance are key steps to ensure proper care.

What is hardscape and how does it fit into my frog’s tank?

Hardscape includes rocks, driftwood, or other solid objects added in your pet’s area like tanks or enclosures for decoration – making them feel more at home!

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